Oakland Startups List

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Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Oakland.

Meet 6 CEO View everyone

ID 440377

Mike Sample

Founder @taproot-networks , @shamebot

ID 588138

Daniel Imrie-Situnayake

Founder of @tiny-farms, making insect protein cheaper than meat. Engineering mentor at @hack-reactor. Previously at @loopt, @green-dot.

ID 177438

Adam Huie

CEO at Sway Networks, Founder at Hatch Labs (Tinder), & Journeyer at IAC. I get excited about Product, Strategy & Anything Mobile.

ID 95546

Brian Brown


Founder, Stealth Startup

ID 117666

Tim O'Neil

Founder/CEO Tether Studios • Worked at @zynga, @activision. 12yrs building & shipping console games; 5yrs operating social products; Engineer, PM.

ID 327300

Dave Rauchwerk

Hardware hacker with software tendencies @haxlr8r '14 Alum. Founder/CEO of @next-thing-co

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