Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Oakland.
Founder @sports-business-simulations, @zennie62media • Studied at @university-of-california-berkeley, @university-of-texas-arlington
Co-Founder & CEO @honeit, Director of Global Recruiting @tubemogul, MBA @BerkeleyHass, Former Director of Talent Acquisition @mtv Networks / @viacom #HRTech
Founder @mission: Pic • Worked at @the-walt-disney-company, @the-go-game • Studied at @university-of-california-davis
Founder @bento Worked at @blackhawk-network, @us-air-force • Studied at @stanford-university, @wright-state-university
Just a dude making it happen.
Founder of @north-social (exit in 2011), North Venture Partners, Echo Networks, Athleticode, & Inoak. Employee at Virgin, PTC, C-Bridge, & the NFL
Founder @taproot-networks , @shamebot
Founder OppSites and Founding Principal City Design Collective. 15 years professional urban design. Strong design, policy and public speaking. MLA Cornell 1999
Founder @hackers_and_founders. Co-op Coach; Event Commander, Pitch Videos; Den Mother at @us-robotics. Check out our Syndicate:
People-first entrepreneur, 7 yrs+ startup experience, Believe in market-driven startups. Love to fight for the underdog. @ConfidentTech, @SocialRocket, @thembid
I excel in helping clients gain traction, earn customers, launch businesses and products, and communicate with influencers, investors, users, and the press.
Entrepreneur, developer, and MBA. Started a successful tutoring business after @georgia-institute-of-technology. Analytics @quinstreet & Engineer @nudgemail
givmo founder, tristream founder, VP Trade Tech, consultant to dozens of start-ups, Cisco, Logitech, KPMG and Ariba
Hardware hacker with software tendencies @haxlr8r '14 Alum. Founder/CEO of @next-thing-co
Founder, Stealth Startup