Oakland Startups List

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Meet 15 Founder View everyone

ID 267509

Zennie Abraham [LION] - toplinked.com

Founder @sports-business-simulations, @zennie62media • Studied at @university-of-california-berkeley, @university-of-texas-arlington

ID 118984

Nicholas Livingston

Co-Founder & CEO @honeit, Director of Global Recruiting @tubemogul, MBA @BerkeleyHass, Former Director of Talent Acquisition @mtv Networks / @viacom #HRTech

ID 201550

Brett Rounsaville

Founder @mission: Pic • Worked at @the-walt-disney-company, @the-go-game • Studied at @university-of-california-davis

ID 518552

Sean Anderson

Founder @bento Worked at @blackhawk-network, @us-air-force • Studied at @stanford-university, @wright-state-university

ID 49108

Sean McCullough

Just a dude making it happen.

ID 151223

Alex Bernstein


Founder of @north-social (exit in 2011), North Venture Partners, Echo Networks, Athleticode, & Inoak. Employee at Virgin, PTC, C-Bridge, & the NFL

ID 440377

Mike Sample

Founder @taproot-networks , @shamebot

ID 460764

Ian Ross

Founder OppSites and Founding Principal City Design Collective. 15 years professional urban design. Strong design, policy and public speaking. MLA Cornell 1999

ID 139260

Laura Nelson

Founder @hackers_and_founders. Co-op Coach; Event Commander, Pitch Videos; Den Mother at @us-robotics. Check out our Syndicate: https://angel.co/l/EvHAm

ID 849600

David Preciado

People-first entrepreneur, 7 yrs+ startup experience, Believe in market-driven startups. Love to fight for the underdog. @ConfidentTech, @SocialRocket, @thembid

ID 64675

Rod Bauer

I excel in helping clients gain traction, earn customers, launch businesses and products, and communicate with influencers, investors, users, and the press.

ID 61703

Brantley Beaird

Entrepreneur, developer, and MBA. Started a successful tutoring business after @georgia-institute-of-technology. Analytics @quinstreet & Engineer @nudgemail

ID 706689

William Fehr

givmo founder, tristream founder, VP Trade Tech, consultant to dozens of start-ups, Cisco, Logitech, KPMG and Ariba

ID 327300

Dave Rauchwerk

Hardware hacker with software tendencies @haxlr8r '14 Alum. Founder/CEO of @next-thing-co

ID 95546

Brian Brown


Founder, Stealth Startup

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