Oakland Startups List

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Meet 8 Product Development View everyone

ID 877432

Zach Warder-Gabaldon

Sales/BD @tradecraft Product/design expertise in healthcare Stanford engineering alum passionate about social impact companies

ID 543707

Andrew Erbeau

Ambitious, innovative, and dedicated electrical engineer. Product Development Engineer and RF Design Engineer at AT&T.

ID 473724

Tracy King

Strong start-up background. Received Chegg Eggstra Credit Award for Outstanding Work Ethic & Service. Junior Front-End Web Developer.

ID 676493

John-Paul Bulow

Will fight for food.

ID 849600

David Preciado

People-first entrepreneur, 7 yrs+ startup experience, Believe in market-driven startups. Love to fight for the underdog. @ConfidentTech, @SocialRocket, @thembid

ID 276227

Holly Brinkman

Worked at @meeple @greenopedia @switchcam @shaker • Studied at @columbia-college-chicago

ID 151223

Alex Bernstein


Founder of @north-social (exit in 2011), North Venture Partners, Echo Networks, Athleticode, & Inoak. Employee at Virgin, PTC, C-Bridge, & the NFL

ID 696978

Nate Dolan

Founder @harvestlink. Design & Business Development

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