Oakland Startups List

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Meet 8 Product Development View everyone

ID 676493

John-Paul Bulow

Will fight for food.

ID 877432

Zach Warder-Gabaldon

Sales/BD @tradecraft Product/design expertise in healthcare Stanford engineering alum passionate about social impact companies

ID 151223

Alex Bernstein


Founder of @north-social (exit in 2011), North Venture Partners, Echo Networks, Athleticode, & Inoak. Employee at Virgin, PTC, C-Bridge, & the NFL

ID 696978

Nate Dolan

Founder @harvestlink. Design & Business Development

ID 473724

Tracy King

Strong start-up background. Received Chegg Eggstra Credit Award for Outstanding Work Ethic & Service. Junior Front-End Web Developer.

ID 849600

David Preciado

People-first entrepreneur, 7 yrs+ startup experience, Believe in market-driven startups. Love to fight for the underdog. @ConfidentTech, @SocialRocket, @thembid

ID 543707

Andrew Erbeau

Ambitious, innovative, and dedicated electrical engineer. Product Development Engineer and RF Design Engineer at AT&T.

ID 276227

Holly Brinkman

Worked at @meeple @greenopedia @switchcam @shaker • Studied at @columbia-college-chicago

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