Oakland Startups List

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Meet 5 Co-founder View everyone

ID 614542

Nestor Toro

Co-Founder & CTO of Bedrock Analytics • Studied at @massachusetts-institute-of-technology • Worked at @axiomlogic

ID 38329

Paul Sebexen

Chief Scientist, REX Computing CEO & Co-Founder, Evolutionary Solutions "20 Under 20" 2012 Thiel Fellow

ID 64675

Rod Bauer

I excel in helping clients gain traction, earn customers, launch businesses and products, and communicate with influencers, investors, users, and the press.

ID 95546

Brian Brown


Founder, Stealth Startup

ID 579048

Jalle Dafa

Founder @belaprint • Worked at @uc-berkeley, @technoserve • Studied at @brown-university, @uc-berkeley School of Law

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