Oakland Startups List

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Meet 5 Co-founder View everyone

ID 64675

Rod Bauer

I excel in helping clients gain traction, earn customers, launch businesses and products, and communicate with influencers, investors, users, and the press.

ID 614542

Nestor Toro

Co-Founder & CTO of Bedrock Analytics • Studied at @massachusetts-institute-of-technology • Worked at @axiomlogic

ID 579048

Jalle Dafa

Founder @belaprint • Worked at @uc-berkeley, @technoserve • Studied at @brown-university, @uc-berkeley School of Law

ID 95546

Brian Brown


Founder, Stealth Startup

ID 38329

Paul Sebexen

Chief Scientist, REX Computing CEO & Co-Founder, Evolutionary Solutions "20 Under 20" 2012 Thiel Fellow

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